Category: Chicago

  • Imitation is the sincerest form of larceny

    Imitation is the sincerest form of larceny

    So I’ve been writing for the YMCA of Greater New York for a little over five years, helping them with fundraising in particular. I used to write for the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, but I haven’t done so in several years. Recently I noticed a few “echoes” — headlines or themes I had created for New…

  • Books read in 2016

    Books read in 2016

    Books! Best to worst. Paul Beatty, The Sellout Extraordinary, hilarious, brilliant. Racial stereotypes dancing in front of a funhouse mirror of satire, through a knowing lens of American literature and culture (both African- and Anglo-). More great comic one-liners per page than any other fancy hardbound book I’ve ever read. Jon Meachum, Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power…

  • Buena Vista Projects

    Buena Vista Projects

    John Salhus, staff member of Parma Conservation and lead conservator of paint at the Kohler Foundation’s multi-year restoration at Pasaquan, found himself spending over a year in rural Georgia with a fair amount of free time on his hands. Inspired by the spirit of St. EOM, John began to parallel the restoration work he was performing…

  • Global Metro Summit : Saskia Sassen

    In response to my previous informal overview of the Global Metro Summit I was delighted to receive a comment from one of my favorite panelists. To ensure that it is not buried at the bottom of that very long post, I promote it here so others can find it. I had written: Saskia Sassen of…

  • Global Metro Summit

    The future of cities is the topic of the Global Metro Summit today in Chicago, co-sponsored by Deutsche Bank’s LSE Cities (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Alfred Herrhausen Society as well as by the Brookings Institution. Josef Ackermann of Deutsche Bank Subtitled “Delivering the Next Economy,” the two-day conference kicked off this…

  • Chicago: A Biography : Dominic A. Pacyga

    Although it’s not my hometown, I’ve lived here over 25 years now. Pacyga’s Chicago contains such a wealth of amazing stories about this big-shouldered town that I was able to entertain locals with things they didn’t know about their own neighborhoods. Like the Civil War Confederate POW camp down the street from me. Fascinating. REPORT…