Tag: chatgpt

  • Step 1: Giving the outline to AI

    This post begins documenting my experience of writing a book with AI. As mentioned in my last post, I had submitted a traditional book proposal to a major publisher in October 2008 and was turned down because I was not a celebrity. Also, the stock markets had dropped almost ten percent in a single day,…

  • Ways to use generative AI text in marketing

    You are probably not old enough to remember the introduction of pocket calculators in the 1960s/70s. The widely shared worry was that people and especially children would forget how to multiply and perform other basic mathematical operations. Instead, what happened was that people forgot the drudgery of long division and operations on larger numbers (“seven…

  • ChatGPT vs. Claude

    ChatGPT vs. Claude

    Here is a side-by-side comparison of ChatGPT (3.5) vs. Claude (3) answering the same question. MV: How does one establish a basic cash flow system during retirement? ChatGPT Establishing a basic cash flow system during retirement involves creating a plan to manage income, expenses, and savings to meet financial needs while ensuring long-term financial security.…

  • Q & AI

    Q & AI

    As a freelance financial writer, I was curious about the threat of my imminent obsolescence with the arrival of ChatGPT and similar generative AI chatbots. In an informal experiment, I asked ChatGPT a few questions that are typical of the kind of questions I answer in my freelance assignments, which consist largely of topics in…